Efficiently utilizing your employees and making them happy is extremely important in times of staff shortages. We will help you to create an ideal employee experience.

Efficiently utilizing your employees and making them happy is extremely important in times of staff shortages. We will help you to create an ideal employee experience.

Are you closing your business because of staff shortages? That was considered impossible for a long time. But the extremely overheated labor market now proves the opposite. How do you attract new staff? Not with big bucks, surely, but with a good employee experience. After all, today's employees put job happiness, mental health, and an excellent work-life balance above their bank vaults. This is a pressing issue, that will get ever more pressing in the future.

As consumers, employees are used to a smooth customer experience that entices them. To say that they have a backwards experience in the workplace is an understatement. There, they navigate hundreds of tabs through obsolete systems. And they must constantly switch applications to complete one workflow.

That this doesn't contribute to job happiness seems evident to us. Especially when you talk about future employees from Gen Z and Alpha. They came into this world with an iPad in hand, get answers to their questions from ChatGPT within thirty seconds, and are used to being serviced immediately in the digital space. Time to take your employee experience just as seriously as your customer experience!

Attracting new talent is one reason to focus on that employee experience, but retaining people is just as important. Because while you toil at the front door to bring people in, recruiters are already at the backdoor, preying on the dissatisfied people within your organization. That's how turnover stays high. 

How is that possible? Because the job description you use to bring people in is at odds with daily reality. They are not busy with process improvement, innovation, and creative plans but with data entry, printing, and transferring. They have to perform repetitive tasks in outdated, slow, or unfriendly systems. They feel like useless parts of the corporate machine.

How do you turn this tide? How do you ensure your people do what they are trained to do? For starters, examine how employees experience your company. Examine what interactions they have with your organization, from hiring to offboarding. Only then will you discover what you need to change in order to attract, engage and retain people. Another critical step is to reframe your idea of IT. Examine how IT can support your people rather than vice versa, so they have time for the fun, challenging aspects of their jobs.

We can help you take these steps. With employee experience mapping for instance. Based on data, we gain insights into career cycles within your company. This way, you can ensure frictionless onboarding: a smooth start within your company so that employees sitck around longer. But there are more tools in our toolbox. We use automation and integration to remove repetitive tasks from the work process so that your employees can get down to the jobs they were hired for.

We also like to look at the visual appearance and usability of your current systems and applications with UX and UI. And we build custom apps for suitable processes, whether that's a handy mobile declaration system or a compact HR Hub. With our inhouse team of programmers and designers, we guarantee that these look and handle like Swiss clockworks. What do all these tools have in common? They take the friction and, thus, the frustration out of your work processes. And hence ensure happiness at work!

  • Employees get into a productive, happy (work) flow

  • All staff add real value to the company

  • Employees stay on board due to the seamless employee experience

  • You retain competitive advantage because streamlined processes mean less time, money, and energy waste

Curious about our approach in practice? Check out the online portal for The Greenery, where fruit and vegetable farmers can easily report their deliveries and stocks. 

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